The Water District works with engineers, developers, contractors and other public agencies to ensure water systems and facilities are constructed in compliance with district standards.
District professionals review project plans submitted for approval, and inspect projects under construction.
Use this information if you are planning a new project, working on an existing development, or making additions to a water system.
Digital plans and inspections system
Use the Water District’s digital plans and inspections system to submit project forms and requests online, download record drawings, review the status of project plans, schedule an inspection and view inspection results.
Project planning forms
Project planning guidelines
Use these guidelines for preparing and submitting hydraulic analysis reports and calculating water demand factors for various types of developments.
Guidelines for preparing hydraulic analysis reports
- On the cover of the report, provide the developer’s name and the contact person’s name, address, telephone number, and email address.
- Number each page of the report.
- Provide the name and the version of the software you used to create the analysis.
- Refer to the Uniform Design and Construction Standards for Water Distribution Systems (UDACS), 3rd Edition, for design criteria.
- When the report is complete, ensure that it has been signed and sealed by a professional civil engineer licensed in the State of Nevada, then upload a PDF copy using the Water District’s digital plans and inspections system.
- The District reserves the right to request additional information from the developer, as well as the developer’s engineer.
- The District will endeavor to provide a timely review for all analyses submitted. Any missing information will delay the review and approval of the analyses.
Project description
- Provide a written description of the type of project, location, and existing facilities.
- Include a site map showing project boundaries.
- Provide development information including gross acreage, land use, number of units, anticipated fire flow requirements, development schedule and phasing requirements.
- If the project is part of an oversizing agreement, indicate so in the report, and use the developer-required pipeline diameter when modeling the project.
- Provide a node map clearly delineating the pipeline alignments; layout and names of streets/roadways in which the water lines will be installed; the pipe and node numbers used in the analyses; and fire hydrant locations, including laterals.
- The text and node maps must use a minimum font size of 10 points.
Source hydraulic grade line and water demand calculations
- Clearly show the source node provided by the Water District and use the district-issued hydraulic grade lines (HGLs) for that node in the analysis.
- Include a copy of the letter sent by the district issuing these HGLs.
- Provide the type and location of meters, backflow assemblies, etc., and account for the associated losses.
- Calculate on-site and off-site demands using the district’s water demand factors for gpm/acre and gpm/unit. Use the factor that produces the greater (conservative) total demand for each development. Show the calculations.
Input data tables
- Provide input data tables for all pipes and nodes modeled in the report.
- Pipe input data tables must include:
- Pipe numbers as shown on the node map.
- Beginning and ending nodes.
- Lengths in feet.
- Diameters in inches.
- Coefficient of friction.
- Any other pertinent information.
- Junction node input data tables must include:
- Node numbers as shown on the node map.
- Elevation in feet for all nodes using the NAVD 88 datum. Where applicable, elevations must be based on the finish floor.
- Node demand in gallons per minute.
- Connecting pipes
- Any other pertinent information.
- Separate analyses for maximum day, maximum day plus fireflow, and peak hour conditions are required for each phase of the development, as well as for the entire project.
- In analyses for maximum day plus fireflow conditions, the worst-case scenario must be considered. A junction node should be placed at the appropriate location in the model to represent a fire hydrant.
- Explain any assumptions made as part of conducting the analyses, and provide any comments that may promote understanding and expedite review of the analyses.
Output data tables
- Output results for pipes must include:
- Flow rate in gallons per minute.
- Flow velocity in feet per second.
- Head loss in feet.
- Any other pertinent information for each pipe.
- Output results for nodes must include:
- Hydraulic grade in feet.
- Node pressure in pounds per square inch.
- Elevation.
- Demand.
- Any other pertinent information for each node.
- For each phase of the development, provide a summary table showing the minimum and maximum residual pressures for each condition, and the minimum and maximum static pressures.
Water demand factors for various types of development
Customer Class | GPM per unit | GPM per acre |
Single-family residential | 0.84 | 5.02 |
Apartments, condominiums, and fourplexes | 0.31 | 10.21 |
Residential duplex and triplex | 0.21 | 4.91 |
Manufactured homes | 0.17 | 3.49 |
Light commercial and industrial | N/A | 2.78 |
Large commercial | N/A | 4.56 |
Parks | N/A | 4.56 |
Schools | N/A | 2.34 |
Hotels less than 350 rooms | N/A | 8.74 |
Hotels greater than 350 rooms (1) | 0.27 | N/A |
Golf courses (2) | 40.80 | 4.85 |
Common area | N/A | 18.95 |
Customer Class | GPM per unit | GPM per acre |
Single-family residential | 1.24 | 7.47 |
Apartments, condominiums, and fourplexes | 0.46 | 15.20 |
Residential duplex and triplex | 0.32 | 7.31 |
Manufactured homes | 0.25 | 5.19 |
Light commercial and industrial | N/A | 4.14 |
Large commercial | N/A | 6.79 |
Parks | N/A | 6.79 |
Schools | N/A | 3.49 |
Hotels less than 350 rooms | N/A | 13.01 |
Hotels greater than 350 rooms (1) | 0.41 | N/A |
Golf courses (2) | 60.73 | 7.22 |
Common area | N/A | 28.20 |
- Units are denominated in Rooms
- Units are denominated in Holes
Description | Clark County LU Code |
Manufacturing | 210 |
Heavy equipment | 230 |
Storage facilities | 240 |
Mini-storage facilities | 250 |
Industrial condominiums | 260 |
General services | 330 |
Professional and business services | 335 |
Medical, dental, hospital, veterinarian | 336 |
Financial | 338 |
Entertainment | 340 |
Retail stores and shops | 358 |
Misc wholesale and retail sales | 359 |
Restaurants and cocktail lounges | 360 |
Food and beverage businesses | 365 |
Automotive | 370 |
Service stations | 375 |
Building and construction | 378 |
Recreational vehicle parks | 380 |
Religious | 420 |
Libraries and museums | 430 |
Labor, fraternal, and social org | 450 |
Government facilities | 460 |
Transportation | 620 |
Utilities | 630 |
Description | Clark County LU Code |
Recreational | 345 |
Regional shopping | 350 |
Neighborhood shopping | 355 |
Combined retail services | 367 |
Commercial condominiums | 385 |
Non-profit entertainment | 470 |
Communication | 610 |