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Searchlight Water System

The Las Vegas Valley Water District owns, operates and maintains the Searchlight Water System.

The Searchlight Water System falls within the jurisdiction of the Las Vegas Valley Water District. The Water District Board of Directors, which is responsible for governing the district’s activities, is composed of the Clark County Commissioners and has sole responsibility for establishing rates, rules and regulations for the sale, distribution and use of water within Searchlight.

Source water

The Searchlight Water System service area is supplied by three wells in Piute Valley.

Well S-2 has been the primary well since 2015. Well S-1 and S-3 provide additional production when needed and backup for well maintenance or emergencies. The three wells are typically not in use at the same time.

The wells in Searchlight are recharged by precipitation and snowmelt runoff from the Lucy Gray Range, the Castle Mountains and the McCullough Mountains, as well as from groundwater flows from the adjacent up-gradient valley.

Contact us

By email
Email us questions and comments about the Searchlight Water System.

By phone
For customer service-related questions, contact 702-870-4194.
For general questions, contact Kathy Flanagan at 702-539-3401.

By mail
Searchlight Water System
c/o Las Vegas Valley Water District
1001 S. Valley View Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89153