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Rates, fees and charges

As poor hydrology and climate change continue to plague the Colorado River Basin, additional and increased water conservation efforts are required to help protect critical water levels at Lake Mead, Southern Nevada's primary water resource.

Las Vegas Valley Water District water rates are based on a four-tier system to encourage conservation.

Water bill estimator

To see how your water bill may change throughout the year, use our water bill estimator or use the automatic bill estimates in My Account.

Estimate Your Bill

Water rates

Single-family residential water rates

A tier is the amount of water received at a specified rate. The first tier represents indoor usage for most residential customers. The rate for the remaining tiers becomes increasingly higher.

Usage thresholds

Water use is billed at different rates depending on the amount of water used. The threshold is the point in usage when the water rate changes. Thresholds mark the level of usage where one water rate tier ends, and another begins.

All single-family residential customers receive the same volume of water in each rate tier, regardless of their meter size. This Service Rule ensures all residential customers pay the same amount for each gallon they use.

Thresholds are computed based on a daily threshold amount and the number of days in the billing period. Your meter records your usage in thousands of gallons. Your bill shows how much water you used in thousands of gallons for each threshold rate.

The thresholds listed above are based on a 30-day billing period. Your monthly bill may have fewer or more days, depending upon when your meter is read.

Non single-family residential water rates

Fees and charges

Service fees and charges

The table below explains each type of Las Vegas Valley Water District service charge and associated fee.

Description Fee amount
Bank-returned check/Insufficient funds charge $15
Turn-on fee for water service activation $10
Additional fee for same-day water turn-on or shutoff $15
Additional fee for after-hours water turn-on or shutoff $70 (provided the Water District can respond to the request)
Delinquent processing charge $20 for service processed for shutoff
Minimum deposit for residential service $150 or 2.5 times the highest monthly bill, whichever is greater, during a 12-month period. Deposit is due when you request service. Call Customer Care at 702-870-4194 for amount.
Minimum deposit for commercial service Computed based on account usage history and meter size. Deposit is due when service is requested. Call Customer Care at 702-870-4194 for amount.
Late fee Bills become past due after the due date shown. Balances remaining after the due date are subject to a 4 percent late charge.
Connection charges/application fees See the Las Vegas Valley Water District Service Rules (Appendix I).
Water Rates See water rates and usage thresholds.
Service charge All customers are billed a service charge based on the size of the service meter. This charge pays for the direct costs of meter reading, meter maintenance and billing services.

Call Customer Care at 702-870-4194 during regular business hours if you have questions. Or, contact us online.

Excessive use charge

The excessive use charge aims to reduce unnecessarily high water use among single-family residential customers.

A customer's average daily use (ADU) is used to determine whether a threshold is exceeded for the billing period in each month. 

Any single-family residential customer who uses more water than the threshold allows will have an excessive use charge added to their bill. That charge is $9 per every 1,000 gallons used above the threshold for any given season.

See the excessive use charge FAQs for more information and details on seasonal thresholds.

Excessive Use Charge FAQs

SNWA charges

Each Las Vegas Valley Water District bill includes a daily service charge, charges for water used, and charges from the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA).

SNWA is a regional water agency that secures long-term water resources as well as treats and delivers the wholesale water supply to LVVWD. Costs related to water treatment, water resources, and the SNWA distribution network are covered by several SNWA surcharges.

Learn More About SNWA Charges

Rates and Service Rules Citizen Advisory Committee

A Rates and Service Rules Citizen Advisory Committee was convened in 2016 to evaluate future initiatives related to Water District funding, planning, Service Rules, conservation and facilities construction and maintenance.

The Board approved the committee's recommendations in 2017, including small increases to service charges and rates, represented on this page.