Blue Diamond Water System
The Las Vegas Valley Water District (LVVWD) owns and operates the Blue Diamond Water System, which supplies water to Blue Diamond residents and businesses.
The LVVWD Board of Directors is responsible for governing the Blue Diamond Water System's activities.
Contact us
By email
Email us questions and comments about the Blue Diamond Water System.
By phone
For customer service-related questions, contact 702-870-4194
For general questions, contact Jordan Bunker at 702-258-7296.
By mail
Las Vegas Valley Water District
1001 S. Valley View Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89153
Temporary water permit moratorium
The water supplied by the Blue Diamond Water System comes from two wells that are recharged from precipitation and snowmelt runoff in the Wilson Cliff/Red Rock Canyon and Mount Potosi areas. Water from the two wells is blended before entry into the distribution system.
The age of the wells, as well as the continued decline in precipitation in the area, has caused the Las Vegas Valley Water District Board of Directors to approve a temporary moratorium on new water permits within the system. The moratorium also affects requests for expansions to current water use and increases in the size of water meters. More information about the water moratorium.
To learn more about the water system, read the Service Rules.